Live Poker Table Selection
Not every open seat at a poker table is equal. Tags live poker online poker no-limit hold’em seat selection position. Visitors will find a daily dose of articles with the latest poker. Table selection is huge when playing online poker – if you’re meeting good players all the time, you’ll never make progress, as you’ll never have that edge. Look for those bad players who will give you money more often than not, and your win-rate will look much more impressive.
If you are looking to become a winning poker player one of the most important sills you need to learn is how to use proper game selection. Because as they say: it doesn’t matter if you are the 10th best poker player in the world if the 9 other players in the table are better than you. One thing to note about these game selection tips is that they are aimed to the poker players who are looking to play poker profitable and don’t care if it takes some of the fun out of it. If you are the type of poker player who simply enjoys playing poker we suggest that you simply find a table with nice players to play with and avoid the tables which have the kind of annoying “table captain” type of players who keep bragging about how good they are in poker – or even worse abusing you.
Now it iss time to present you the top three game selection tips that will almost certainly boost your win rate when playing online poker.
1) Look for loose games
All the major poker sites such as LuckyAcePoker show in their lobby the average amount of player that go to the flop in that game. If the % is over 35 in 6max no limit, over 30 in 10 max no limit, over 35 in 6 max fixed limit holdem and over 25 in 10 max fixed limit holdem the game is a loose on. You will almost always find one or more players who are playing too many hands and taking them far in the games that have a higher than the above flop percentages. To scout this type of games simply check the poker room’s lobby from time to time and if you find a loose game on your level take a seat in it.
2) Leave the games when they get bad
The above advice should be very basic and easy to follow. Still we see lot of players repeating the mistake of staying in the poker game even after the bad players have left the table. What makes the matters even worse is that often when the player stays in the game he does it because he is stuck and too tilted to leave the game before he “gets even”.
Live Poker Table Selection Show
3) If you are not feeling like playing don’t play
This tip is somewhat similar with the above one. If you are not feeling like you are playing your best game you shouldn’t sit down in a game even if it has several bad players. And if something happens that takes you off your a game when you are playing you should simply leave the table even if the bad players still have money in front of your.
In a live poker room, it’s as simple as standing behind the tables for a moment to know which table comprises of wack players and which is dominated by pros. In contrast, you can’t do this in an online poker room. With players coming from all corners of the world, it’s almost impossible to tell who is good and who is bad just by staring at their usernames or avatars.
This represents a major challenge for any poker player because unbeknown to you, you might be joining a table that’s already dominated by players who’re way out of your league.
To win at any poker table, the easiest way is to play against guys that aren’t as good as you, or at least, guys that are on your level. So, when you want to join an online table, this should be your target.
But without a foresight about the guys on the tables, how will you know which table to join and which to run from? Hard for anyone to know!
Luckily for you, we’ve got some tips to help you make your choice.
First step to choosing the most profitable table
First and foremost, when you join a poker site like dewapoker poker88, the first thing you should keep your eyes out for should be the following table defining statistics. A good understanding of what each stat represents can help you make your table choice appropriately.
• Stakes: What’s the size of the small and big blind, as well as the size of the subsequent bets that follow them? For example, in a 5c/10c table, this should be: small blind = 5 cents ($0.05), big blind = 10 cents ($0.1).
• Players: Maximum allowable number of players at the table, as well as the current number of players seated. For example, if you see “6/9,” it would mean that the table is a 9-player table, but only 6 players are currently seated and there are 2 spare seats.
• Limit: This tells you the limit nature of the table you’re joining. It could be No Limit (designated as NL), Pot limit, or Limit (fixed).
• Average pot: This tells you the average winning pot values for that table
• Players per flop: This will tell you the average number of players who see the flop. That is, guys who’re not folding before the flop. And who call the pre flop bet and see the cards on the flop. For example, if you see 40% Player/flop at a ten-man table, that would mean that an average of 4 players see each flop. This should tell you that at every given point in time on that table, there’s at least 4 big blinds in the pot.
• Hands/hour: If you don’t fancy playing poker at high speed, this is the stat you first want to check out. This stat is an indication of how fast or slow a table is. It indicates the number of hands dealt per hour. The higher the number, the faster the table.
• Wait: Usually displayed to tell you the number of players waiting to join a table. Once a player leaves, the next person in line from the waiting list joins the table.
Players per flop stat: making your final decision
If you ask a seasoned poker player – who’s enjoyed huge success rates at poker tables – what the best table to play at is, I’m sure he would tell you it’s a table comprising of many fish and weak players. Why? Because, in order to win consistently in poker you need to be playing against guys who are not as good as you, guys who’re always chasing their losses regardless of how unlikely it is, and guys who play too many hands in the hopes of hitting cards on the flop, turn, or river.
The question now is, how will you know the tables where these types of players are most predominant? The answer is pretty simple; simply check the players per flop statistic for any table you want to join. What this stat tells you is the average number of players at the table seeing each flop. The higher this number is, the higher the number of fish players that are present at the table.

You may be wondering: How do we know this?
Live Poker Table Selection
Well, we know this because we know the definition of what fish players are and what their most predominant traits are too. A typical fish player would chase losses, play bad cards, and follow it up with hands that should be folded. Now, when you see a table with high “player per flop” percentage, it simply means that there are many players on that table who’re trying to play each flop without any proper hand selection.
Live Poker Table Selection Board
In conclusion, a good table to play at would be a table comprising of many fishes. Although you may not come across such tables too often, you can still aim for a decent table with at least 20% “player per flop” stat. And if you’re lucky to get 30% or more, then that’s even better.