Poker Face Transition

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Thank you to the Indiana Resource Center Autism and Autism Society of Indiana for compiling these tips.

The singer also revisited some of her most iconic looks in the PSA, including her cutout onesie from 2008’s “Poker Face” video, the 2010 MTV VMAs meat dress (a throwback to a much, much simpler time), and her patriotic jumpsuit from 2017’s Super Bowl halftime show. Of course, that was hardly the end of it.

Remember that each person is different, and specific tips may not apply to all.

  • Many capable individuals on the autism spectrum have significant organizational difficulties. For example, these individuals will often complete their homework but forget to turn it in. Expecting organizational skills to simply improve over time will not be as effective as putting support strategies in place, such as written checklists and reminders, while providing direct guidance and instruction. Eventually, the person can be taught to generate their own checklists and reminders.
  • Teach your child/students how to advocate for their own needs. This skill will become essential as they transition from school to the adult world. It could be as simple as teaching them to request their favorite food by handing you a picture, or for someone with more verbal skills to explain their communication and accommodation needs to their college professor.
  • When making changes in plans and strategies, call parents (not email) to talk over ideas. Ask them to help prepare the student/child for the plan too.
  • Remember to take baseline data before starting a new evidence-based practice. This will assist in determining the effectiveness of the strategy and in shifting instructional approaches as needed. Data collection should be continued during and after the intervention to ensure maintenance of learned skills.
  • When teaching a new skill or behavior, address student motivation by using highly motivating reinforcers. Highly motivating reinforcers may include fixations or fascinations. To ensure they are true reinforcers, use a reinforcer survey or sampling procedure with the learner. Be sure all staff know what skill is being reinforced and how often. Be consistent.
  • For parents/caregivers: Keep a record of treatment options and medications you try and how your child responds to each one.
  • For professionals: Remember to individualize visual supports you create to match the student’s abilities and interests. Do not overwhelm with visual supports. Make sure each serves a real purpose. Visit the website at the Indiana Resource Center for Autism at for a full catalogue of visual supports.
  • Remember that, particularly for persons who do not communicate verbally, their behavior is a form of communication. Try to determine the pattern of behavior. Examine what happened before to trigger the behavior and what happened after as a result of the behavior. If you are stumped, ask other parents and professionals what might be the underlying cause(s) of behaviors.
  • Know that just because your child/student may be nonverbal, he or she is still able to hear and understand what you and others say around them. Make sure all messages are as positive as possible.
  • Individuals with autism spectrum disorder often lack perspective-taking skills. When watching a movie or looking at pictures of people, practice these skills by asking them questions about how the person is feeling, what they are thinking, and what they are going to do next. Have them
    explain and point out the specific cues that support their ideas.
  • It is important to teach individuals on the autism spectrum how to think socially and interact successfully with others. As with all people, this should begin as early as possible. Help individuals on the autism spectrum establish connections with others by developing appropriate social scripts and routines, and by supporting them to interact with others on a daily basis. This will assist social and emotional development which is critical for all people.
  • Breaks and calming strategies should be considered as part of the daily routine for many individuals on the autism spectrum. A pre-determined routine should be implemented on a daily basis to ease anxiety. Breaks and calming techniques are needed before an individual on the autism spectrum gets overwhelmed. Providing breaks and calming techniques only after a problem behavior occurs may inadvertently reinforce the behavior. By using a respectful and proactive approach, the individual will build self-esteem and confidence, and reduce anxiety.
  • Overwhelming sensory input in young children can heighten fear and sensory issues. As a result, the child/student on the autism spectrum may develop repetitive behaviors and might increasingly fail to respond to relevant stimulation for social and language development. Therefore, it is critical that sensory issues are identified and strategies implemented as early as possible.
  • Be aware of potential sensory issues in the individual’s environment. Consider the visual input (e.g. fluorescent or bright lights), auditory input (e.g. loud noises), tactile input (e.g. certain surfaces, textures, fabrics), and smell/tastes (strong perfumes or certain food textures) that may be
    bothering the individual with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Many times an individual with ASD will display undesirable behavior due to the lack of ability to communicate. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) refers to communication methods that help or replace speaking or writing, and assist in producing or comprehending spoken or written language. If a child with autism is having difficulty communicating or being understood, they may benefit from some type of AAC. It is your right as a parent to ask your child’s teacher for an AAC evaluation or to question if and how your child could benefit from AAC. If you child is not talking by 18-30 months, he/she should have some type of AAC.
  • Help your child with self-help activities such as getting dressed, eating breakfast, and brushing teeth. Create routines by doing these activities at the same time and in the same way every day. Break down the task into small steps. Show pictures of each step. You can also pretend to do the activity yourself, saying the next step out loud or even singing songs with directions. Make it fun.
  • Help your child play with others. Teach them to share and to take turns through use of visuals, modeling, prompting, and practice. Host a play date at your house. By playing at your house, your child has more control over the activities. You can also control the amount and type of stimulation. When your child shares and takes turns appropriately, praise and reinforce his or her great behavior.
  • When trying to foster friendships for teens or adults with ASD, connecting them with people who have similar interests (e.g., attending a Japanese Anime conference or enrolling in a chess club) is likely to be more effective than attempting to teach them to interact around interests that seem more typical for their age group, such as team sports.
  • If a student is not able to perform a task, consider whether the request is too abstract. For example, telling a student to write a story about something that interests them is very abstract. One strategy is to provide specific choices.
  • Uncertainty creates anxiety that, in turn, reduces the person’s ability to attend and learn. It also increases the risk of tantrums, aggression, and meltdowns. Individuals on the autism spectrum need reassurance and information about upcoming events and changes. They may benefit from having a schedule of daily events and/or reading social stories about changes to their schedule that they are about to experience (e.g. social story about fire alarms or school assemblies).
  • In addition to changes in schedules, unstructured activities and wait time may also create anxiety and confusion for some individuals on the spectrum. Individuals may need specific directions and checklists of what to do during unstructured activities. During long wait times (e.g. waiting for the school bus to arrive), a box of wait time activities, such as books, toys, or sensory items can be helpful.
  • Much of our efforts with individuals on the spectrum becomes a balancing act. For example, many will need accommodations. The challenge becomes determining how much to accommodate without accommodating them so much that options in the future are eliminated.
  • Individuals on the spectrum will read our emotional level about a situation. Use a calm tone of voice, even in the midst of a behavioral outburst. Excited adults yield excited children. Practice your poker face.
  • Many individuals with autism spectrum disorder may be less likely to communicate for social purposes and will need to practice their conversation skills. This may include talking about a topic that is not their special interest, staying on topic, turn taking, asking related/appropriate questions, checking for their conversation partner’s understanding and predicting what information their partner may or may not know about a concept or situation.
  • Some individuals will engage in restricted and repetitive behaviors because they have a limited repertoire of alternative behaviors and interests. It is important to expose individuals with ASD to a variety of activities and experiences and explicitly teach them leisure skills.
  • Sleep issues is a problem for many individuals on the autism spectrum. Children and adolescents should keep a consistent bedtime routine, have a regular sleep/wake schedule, and avoid caffeine and screen time before bed.
  • Individuals with ASD often have difficulty generalizing skills from one setting to another. A student who has learned to initiate conversations within the lunchroom may not be able to initiate conversations on the playground. They may need to be taught skills across different settings,
    people, and activities.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of yourself (regardless of your role), of all family members, and of the individual whether they are small or large. For some on the autism spectrum, small steps are a major accomplishment. Be proud and remember that all accomplishments are important. In addition, family members do not forget to acknowledge the accomplishments of your other children and spouse or partner whether large or small.

For more information on the Indiana Resource Center for Autism, visit our website at Also, be sure to “like” IRCA on Facebook, and join us on Twitter and Pinterest.

Poker Face Transition Games

ROCK BAND 4/ Poker Face - Lady Gaga ERIC CARTMAN South Park/ PARTY HARD Febrero 2016. Louis: Biden transition news is now the top priority. CNN International. President Trump’s plan of holding an in-person Hanukkah reception at the White House on Dec. 9, despite concerns over the coronavirus, is getting much attention on social media. Some asked whether anyone would be reckless enough to attend, observing that an in-person party, amid the COVID-19 surge, could turn out to be another superspreader event. Others wondered who would be invited. Skilled in the Art: Biden's Patent Poker Face + CalTech Goes to Texas to Sue Dell, HP + TiVo and Comcast Bury the Hatchet The Biden transition team spans a wide range of views when it comes to.

For more information on the Autism Society of Indiana, visit their website at Also, be sure to “like” ASI on Facebook, and join them on Twitter.

Indiana Resource Center for Autism & Autism Society of Indiana. Autism awareness month: Tips for working with individuals on the autism spectrum. The Reporter, 21(18). Retrieved from

  1. Brass Tacks. In one sentence each, answer these five questions about a dispute: Who are the parties and what is their relationship? What question does the dispute seek to answer? When did the dispute arise? Where did the dispute arise? Why is your client in the right? Now mold those answers into a short narrative that explains your case and puts your client in the best light.

  2. The Short List. List three or four reasons a court should do what you want the court to do about the narrative you just shared. Now type the word “because” after each reason and add one more layer of specificity.

  3. Why Should I Care? Without citing any case law or other authorities explain in your own words why it would be bad if your adversary won the dispute.

  4. Flashpoint. Fill in these blanks for two cases. The dispute is about ____________, not ____________. To decide this motion, the Court need not decide ____________; it need only decide ____________.

Poker Face Transition
  1. Panoramic Shot. Pick a dispute with complicated facts. Write a short opening overview paragraph that sets the stage.

  2. Show, Not Tell. Think of a quality or trait that you’d like the court to associate with you—or with your adversary. Now write two or three facts that “show” that trait in action. Use no adjectives or adverbs, and do not “tell” the court what to conclude about those facts.

  3. Once Upon a Time. In a fact section, find at least one date that you could cut and at least two dates that you could replace with a phrase like “two days later.”

  4. Headliners. Write at least four fact-section headings, all in the present tense, that flow from the one before, and that favor the party you represent.

  5. Back to Life. Pick a technological device. Write a paragraph describing how it works. Anchor your sentences on the phrase “the user” rather than on various features of the technology itself.

  6. Poker Face. Write two sentences about two unfavorable facts. Start each sentence with “Although” or “Even though,” and end each sentence by putting the bad fact in the best possible light.

  7. End with a Bang. Rewrite the end of a fact section by leaving the court with a final image or thought.

Poker Face Transition Definition

  1. Russian Doll. Draft several headings and subheadings that consist of complete thoughts and that form logical units.

  2. Heads I Win, Tails You Lose. Draft three headings in which the second and third headings start with the phrase “Even if.”

  3. Sneak Preview. Take a section of an argument in which the lawyer jumps from Argument to the first roman numeral, or from a roman numeral to the letter A. Now add a short umbrella passage to introduce the headings or subheadings to come.

  4. With You in Spirit. Take a heading you’ve drafted and ask yourself what questions the court would need answered before endorsing that heading. Put those questions in the most likely logical order. Now answer each question and make those answers the openings of your paragraphs.

  5. Sound Off . Take another heading you’ve drafted that lends itself to a numbered list of points in support. Draft that list and make the enumerated reasons the openings of your paragraphs.

Poker Face Transitions

  1. Long in the Tooth. Find three ways to complete this sentence: “Courts have long held that in cases such as this one, ____________.”

  2. Peas in a Pod. Take a case you want to analogize. In a single paragraph, compare every key point of similarity and difference. Use both “like this case” and “unlike this case.”

  3. Mince Their Words. Find a sentence in a motion or brief that’s really just a sentence quoted verbatim from an opinion or judgment. Rewrite the sentence by starting with your own words, and only then weaving in some short phrases from a quoted passage.

  4. One Up. Complete this sentence: “[Opponent] cites [case], but that case applies even more to [client] because ____________.”

  5. Complete this sentence: “Although [opponent] cites [case] in its favor, if anything that case helps [client] because ____________.”

  6. Rebound. Complete this sentence: “[Opponent] claims that [the case I have cited] is distinguishable, but [the distinction] does not matter: ____________.”

  7. Not Here, Not Now. Complete this sentence: “[The case that opponent cites] is different from this case: ____________.”

  8. One Fell Swoop. Complete this sentence: “In all these [cases that my opponent cites], the court ____________, not ____________.”

  9. Not So Fast. Complete this sentence: “Although [the case that my opponent cites] might have suggested that ____________, it did not hold that ____________.”

  10. Authority Problems. Complete this sentence: “Th e Court should not follow [old or illogical case that cuts against you] here: ____________.”

  11. Ping Me. Draft three or more case parentheticals that begin with a participle like “affirming” or “awarding” and that then explain how the reason the court did what it did there proves a broader point you’re making about the law here.

  12. Speak for Yourself. Reduce a long quotation to a parenthetical that consists solely of a single-sentence quotation.

  13. Hybrid Model. Draft at least two parentheticals that combine a participle like “affirming” or “awarding” with key quoted language.

  14. Lead ‘Em On. Rewrite the introductions to three block quotes by introducing them not with the topic of the quotation but with the gist of the quotation.

  15. Race to the Bottom. Take several motions or briefs in which the attorneys used footnotes for something other than case citations. Decide whether you think that the material in each footnote should have been (1) in the body itself, (2) as is, in footnote form, or (3) nowhere at all.

  16. Zingers. Take a motion or brief. Replace at least five of the original verbs or verb phrases with new verbs that are shorter, more vivid, or both.

  17. What a Breeze. Read a page of an argument section aloud. Each time the writing sounds heavy or awkward, imagine how you’d make the same point orally. Transcribe the results.

  18. Manner of Speaking. Enliven a dull passage by incorporating a metaphor or a figure of speech.

  19. That Reminds Me. Pick a legal concept or doctrine that is hard to explain or understand. Write a passage explaining it that begins with the word “Take” or “Suppose” or “Consider” and that then develops the point through a hypothetical.

  20. The Starting Gate. Find at least ten sentences beginning with “However,” “Nevertheless,” “Accordingly,” “Moreover,” “Additionally,” or “Consequently.” Recast those sentences by beginning with a short transition word or by moving a short transition word inside the sentence near the verb.

  21. Size Matters. Find three sentences that last for more than a line, and then shorten each to seven words or fewer.

  22. Freight Train. Find a passage in which an attorney writes several sentences in a row that each begin with something a court did. (Example: “The Court noted . . . The Court added . . . Additionally, the Court emphasized . . .”) Turn the list into a single Freight Train sentence.

  23. Leading Parts. Find a few sentences that begin with “Therefore” or “Accordingly.” Now look at the preceding sentence and combine the two into a single Leading Parts

  24. Talk to Yourself. Draft two rhetorical questions that go to the core of a key legal or factual issue in your case.

  25. Parallel Lives. Complete this sentence: “In [doing something that my client doesn’t like], [my opponent] ____________, ____________, and ____________.” Make sure that the language in the three blanks is all in parallel form.

  26. A Dash of Style. Draft two sentences with a pair of internal dashes to emphasize a word or phrase, and then draft a single sentence with a dash at the end to introduce a trailing thought.

  27. Good Bedfellows. Draft two sentences in which you use a semicolon to highlight a likeness or a contrast.

  28. Magician’s Mark. Draft two sentences in which you use a colon rather than language like “because” or “since” or “due to the fact that.”

  29. Take Me by the Hand. Pick ten transition words or phrases. Write a passage that uses all ten.

  30. Bridge the Gap. Find some paragraph openers that do not follow logically from the end of the paragraph before. Recast those paragraph openers by repeating a word, phrase, or idea from the end of the previous paragraph.

  31. Join my Table. Transform an ordinary prose passage into a table or chart.

  32. Bullet Proof. Transform a dense paragraph into several bullet points or a numbered list.

Poker Face Transition Meaning

  1. Parting Thought. Find a conclusion that consists of a throwaway line beginning with such language as “For all of the foregoing reasons.” Consider whether the end of the argument serves the function of a conclusion, and if not, rewrite it so that it does.

  2. Wrap-Up. Draft a conclusion for a motion or brief that incorporates a final thought or a new quotation.