Ragnarok Mobile Armor Slot
Manipulate the laws of nature with the Creator. Creators are great tanks thanks to their Homunculus and can dish out a considerable amount of damage to make your enemies fear you. Not only that, Creators can weaken tanks incredibly which is perfect for War of Emperium.
From experience, Creator is hella fun to play.
The Builds
The Recommendation
- Hell Plant Build
- Acid Build
- Farming Build
Hell Plant Build
The Stats
80 to 99 STR
80 to 99 VIT
20 to 40 DEX [Start with 10 DEX and work on the other stats first]
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Where do you socket your weapon, armor, accessories, off-hand, footgear and garment? The additional card slot for your gear will require 10 additional copies of the item you are looking to socket (1x Item to be slotted + 10x Same Item = 11x Total). Depending on the equipment, this may be quite expensive. By Walk / October 11, 2019 / Games In Ragnarok M Eternal Love game, each weapon, armor, accessories, off-hand, foot-gear, and garment have their own additional slot. Slotting is a great way to increase your equipment damage in every way. It can increase your basic attack, skill damage, magic damage, and many more.
The Build – Hell Plant Merchant
Lvl 10 Cart Attack – 750% PATK at Lv10, Delay 2.5s
Lvl 10 Loud Exclamation – Increase STR
Lvl 5 Enhanced Cart – Increase ATK by 75
Lvl 5 Change Cart – Increase bag slot by 30
Lvl 10 Funding – Increase 20% Zeny looted from monsters
The Build – Hell Plant Alchemist
Lvl 5 Sphere Marine – 400% ranged PATK
Lvl 5 Sphere Parasiticism – Deals extra x 2.2 DMG (requires: Marine Sphere Bottle, purchasable at Shop)
Lvl 3 Call Homunculus – Lvl 1: Lif, (heal) Lvl 2: Amistr (tank), Lvl 3: Vanilmirth (dmg)
Lvl 5 Homunculus Strength – Increases homunculus stats permanently
Lvl 10 Life Psychic – Decreases own %PATK & %MATK to improve homunculus stats
Lvl 2 Resurrect Homunculus – Resurects homunculus
Lvl 10 Enchance Cart – Increase ATK by 150 (Merchant Skill)
Lvl 5 Axe/Hammer Mastery – Permanently increase ATK
The Build – Hell Plant Creator
Lvl 10 Hell Plant – Summons a hell plant that does PATK (1 Skill Point first until Homunculus Strength II is maxed)
Lvl 10 Homunculus Strength II – Improves stats for Hell Plant & Homunculus
Lvl 5 Super Life Psychic – VIT increases homunculus stats
Lvl 10 Gene Research – Improve INT & SP
5 Free Skill Points
Suggestion: Resurrect Homunculus, Axe/Hammer Mastery
The Build –Hell Plant Genetic
Lvl 10 Demonic Fire
Lvl 5 Searing Storm
Lvl 10 Life Merge
Lvl 5 Cart Boost
Lvl 5 Cart Cannon
Lvl 5 Health Link
Lvl 15 Genetic Modification
The rest is up to you
Armor Slot Ragnarok Mobile
Low tier / Upper tier
Weapon: Berdysz / Holy Dagger or Elder’s Hammer
Offhand: Floral Bracelet / Rosa Bracelet
Head: Cat Ear Beret, Eye Scar, Spiked Scarf / Cat Ear Beret, Nut on Head Pipe
Tail: Marchosias Tail
Back: Devil Wing
Armor: Tights
Garment: Ancient Cape
Footgear: Shoes / Bunny Slippers
Accessory: Luna Brooch / STR Ring
Sphere Parasitism
Amistr Blessing
Blood Lust
Hell Plant
Restore Homunculus
Acid Build
The Stats
80 to 99 STR
20 to 30 DEX [Start with 10 DEX and work on the other stats first]
The rest into STR (max) then extras into INT then VIT
The Build – Acid Merchant
Lvl 10 Loud Exclamation – Increase STR
Lvl 5 Enhanced Cart – Increase ATK by 75

Lvl 10 Funding – Increase 20% Zeny looted from monsters
Lvl 10 Discount – Discount from NPC Shops
Lvl 5 Overprice – Increase Selling price to NPCs
The Build – Acid Alchemist
Lvl 5 Acid Terror – Deals PATK, causes Bleed, chance to break armor
Lvl 5 Acid Demonstration – AOE Fire DMG
Lvl 5 Sphere Marine – 400% ranged PATK
Lvl 5 Sphere Parasiticism – Deals extra x 2.2 DMG (requires: Marine Sphere Bottle, purchasable at Shop)
Lvl 1 Call Homunculus – Lvl 1: Lif, (heal & MATK)
Lvl 5 Homunculus Strength – Increases homunculus stats permanently
Lvl 10 Axe/Hammer Mastery – Permanently increase ATK
Lvl 4 Pharmacy – Increases 8% potion crafting success rate
The Build – Acid Creator
Lvl 5 Powerful Acid Demonstration – Increases MATK of Acid Demonstration by 200%
Lvl 10 Improved Acid Demonstration – Deals Physical DMG to enemy, has 1% chance of breaking weapon & armor
Lvl 10 Gene Research – Improve INT & SP
Lvl 10 Pharmacy – Increases 20% potion crafting success rate
Lvl 1 Hell Plant – Summons a hell plant that does PATK
5 Free Skill Points
Suggestion: Call Homunculus, Homunculus Strength, Axe/Hammer Mastery
Low tier / Upper tier
Weapon: Berdysz / Elder’s Hammer
Offhand: Floral Bracelet / Rosa Bracelet
Head: Cat Ear Beret, Eye Scar, Spiked Scarf / Cat Ear Beret, Nut on Head Pipe
Tail: Marchosias Tail
Back: Devil Wing
Armor: Alloy Mail / Alloy Armor
Garment: Ancient Cape
Footgear: Rune Shoes / Rune Boots
Accessory: Luna Brooch / STR Ring
Sphere Parasitism
Amistr Blessing
Blood Lust
Hell Plant
Restore Homunculus

Farming Build
The Stats
Ragnarok Mobile Armor Slot Games
119 STR (Make sure your total DEX is 90)
Rest to DEX
The Build – Farming Merchant
Lvl 10 Loud Exclamation – Increase STR
Lvl 10 Funding – Increase 20% Zeny looted from monsters

Lvl 10 Buying Low
Lvl 10 OverPrice
The Build – Farming Alchemist
Lvl 2 Call Homunculus – Summon Amistr
Lvl 5 Sphere Mine
Lvl 5 Sphere Phantasm
Lvl 1 Ressurect Homunculus
Lvl 10 Life Psychic
Lvl 5 Homunculus Strength

Lvl 2 Gene modification
10 Points to anything you’d like
If you are using Elder Hammer weapon:
Lvl 10 Axe Hammer Mastery (if you are using Elder Hammer)
Remove Acid Terror and Acid Demonstration
Lvl 5 Gene modification
Put points to max out Pharmacy & later on Learning potion.
The Build – Farming Hell Plant Creator
Lvl 10 Hell Plant – Summons a hell plant that does PATK (1 Skill Point first until Homunculus Strength II is maxed)
Lvl 10 Homunculus Strength II – Improves stats for Hell Plant & Homunculus
Add anything else.
Suggestion: Cart Change, Learning Potion, Axe Hammer Mastery, Pharmacy
Breakthrough Job Lvl 40-70
Max Loud Exclamation
Max Life Psychic
Max Acid Terror / Axe Hammer Mastery
The Build – Farming Hell Plant Genetic
Lvl 10 Life Merge
Lvl 5 Cart Boost
Lvl 5 Cart Cannon
Lvl 5 Health Link
Lvl 15 Genetic Modification
Lvl 10 Demonic Fire
Lvl 5 Searing Storm
The rest is up to you
Low tier / Upper tier
Weapon: Berdysz, Holy Dagger > Stalker’s Knife, Elder’s Hammer (2 slots)
Offhand: Floral Bracelet / Rosa Bracelet
Head: Cat Ear Beret, Rudolph’s Horn, Nut on Head
Face: Any that helps
Mouth: Spiked Scarf
Tail: Marchosias Tail, Beast’s Tail
Back: Devil Wing
Armor: Tights or Alloy Armor, Thiefs Clothes > Breath Holder’s Armor
Garment: Ancient Cape
Footgear: Rune Boots
Accessory: Strength Ring, AGI Pin, Martyr’s Leash
Weapon – Desert Wolf Card x 2 (for Cramp) or any Race card that helps (Hell plant unaffected by element)
Headwear – Andre ★ Card
Offhand – Lude Card
Armor – Dark Swordsman Card
Accessories – Ultraman Card (for Harpy)
All Hell Plant Runes – 46 Gold Medals min (For Hellplant Occult)
Ignore Def
INT switch
Amistr Blessing
Cart Boost
STR Meal B
Slow Attack Alloy
Satisfied Feast or (Atk & Pen) Original Will-Cookies dish (DMG% to non-boss)
If you think you have the biggest baddest Creator build, leave a comment below. 🙂